What is an ITIN?

ITIN stands for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. It is a unique 9-digit identifying number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax administration purposes, primarily for people who do not have or are ineligible for a Social Security Number (SSN).

What is an EIN?

An EIN (Employer Identification Number) is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to businesses operating in the United States. It helps the IRS identify your business for federal tax-related purposes and is essential for various aspects of running a business, such as hiring employees, opening bank accounts, and filing tax returns.

Can I change or cancel an EIN after it has been assigned?

Once the IRS assigns an EIN, it cannot be changed or canceled. However, if you made a mistake in the application or your business undergoes significant changes, you can contact the IRS to correct or update the information associated with the EIN.

Who needs an EIN?

Businesses operating in the United States like corporations, partnerships, and LLCs, irrespective of their size, need an EIN. Sole proprietors who have employees or want to open a business bank account should also apply for an EIN.

Can I have multiple EINs for different businesses?

Yes, you can have multiple EINs if you operate different businesses with separate legal structures. An EIN is assigned to each distinct legal business entity and helps the IRS track and manage the tax responsibilities of each business separately.

How long does it take to receive my ITIN?

It typically takes 12-14 weeks to receive your ITIN after submitting the W-7 Form and required documentation. However, processing times may vary depending on the season and the volume of ITIN applications received by the IRS.

Do ITINs expire?

Yes, ITINs can expire. ITINs not used on a federal tax return at least once in the last three years will automatically expire. Additionally, ITINs with middle digits (the fourth and fifth positions) of 70 through 88 have already expired. You need to renew your ITIN if it has expired before filing your taxes.

What are the required documents for an ITIN application?
  • Articles of Organization, Certificate of Formation, and other pertinent US company formation documents
  • Membership and ownership documents including Initial Resolutions, Statements of Organizer, Statements of Authorized Person, and Resignation of Organizer
  • US EIN Document (Form 147 C or CP575)
  • A scanned copy of a valid passport
How to Apply for an ITIN?


  1. Acquire our ITIN application service by visiting our website’s purchase section.
  2. Following your purchase, expect an email within 24 hours welcoming you to the ITIN application procedure.
  3. Complete the information request form with required details such as personal information, company documents, and a scanned copy of your passport.
  4. Verify your passport online by taking a selfie alongside it.
  5. Our experienced tax professionals will compile and assess your application.
  6. You’ll receive a digital copy of your finished ITIN application form via email for you to sign and send back to us.
  7. Our team will meticulously inspect the signed ITIN application to confirm its completeness and accuracy.
  8. We will submit your application to the IRS for review and processing.
  9. Upon IRS approval of your ITIN application, you’ll receive your ITIN confirmation letter at your address within a span of 12-14 weeks.
  10. With your new ITIN number, you can now file your taxes, open a US bank account, and take advantage of other financial services in the US.


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Partner with Certifying Acceptance Agent (CAA) Lion Business Servicess LLC in New Jersey

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