EIN Application

EIN Application for Small Business Owners

EIN Application for Small Business Owners

Starting a small business comes with a plethora of decisions and crucial steps. One of these vital steps is obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN). What makes the EIN application integral to kickstarting a small business? Let’s delve into the importance of an EIN and the particulars of obtaining one.

1. What is an EIN?

An EIN, issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), is a unique nine-digit identifier for businesses operating within the United States. Its primary role is to identify taxpayers who are obligated to file various business tax returns.

Various types of businesses, including corporations, partnerships, non-profit organizations, and sole proprietorships, need to obtain an EIN. Importantly, an EIN is not exclusive to U.S. entities. Foreign entities doing business in the U.S. can also acquire an EIN. Moreover, it’s essential to note that you don’t need a Social Security Number (SSN) or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to apply for an EIN, and you don’t have to be a business owner in the U.S. Individuals can also apply for an EIN.

2. The Role of an EIN in Your Business

The importance of an EIN stems from its wide-ranging roles in managing your business.

2.1 Tax Reporting

The primary role of an EIN is to facilitate tax reporting. The IRS uses your EIN to track your business’s tax reporting and to ensure tax law compliance.

2.2  Establishing Your Business

For individuals who want to establish a business in the U.S., whether that’s an LLC, Corporation/INC, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Nonprofit Organization, or a foreign business/entity, it’s necessary to submit your company formation documents. These may include “Articles of Organization,” “Certificate of Formation,” or other relevant U.S. company formation documents.

2.3 Managing Business Activities

Aside from tax reporting, EINs are vital for managing various business activities. They’re used for opening business bank accounts, obtaining business licenses, and hiring employees. They also assist businesses in establishing a separate identity from the personal identities of the owners or operators.

3. The EIN Application Process

Applying for an EIN can seem daunting, but with the right assistance, it can be straightforward and hassle-free. Our company provides a completely online EIN application process that does not require you to send any signed documents by mail. While the online application doesn’t mean we apply through the IRS website (a service that’s only available to U.S. citizens), it does mean we handle the process remotely, submitting applications via fax or mail on your behalf.

Currently, it takes approximately four weeks for an EIN application to be processed. However, the entire process can be expedited with professional assistance.


Applying for an EIN is a crucial first step for any small business owner. This unique identification number simplifies tax filing, facilitates various business activities, and helps establish a separate business identity. Starting a small business can be challenging, but with professional guidance and the right resources, you can navigate these challenges effectively. Obtaining your EIN is the first step towards building your business. With this nine-digit number, you’re signaling your commitment to conducting your business professionally and in compliance with IRS requirements.Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a first-time small business owner, understanding the importance of an EIN and the process to obtain it is a cornerstone of business management. By enabling you to keep your personal and business finances separate, the EIN provides a layer of security and ensures smooth operations. It not only increases your credibility but also simplifies the management of your business dealings. With professional help, acquiring an EIN becomes a hassle-free process, allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your business. Thus, obtaining an EIN is more than a regulatory requirement; it’s an essential part of establishing and growing your business.